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Sponsor A Woman

Women around the world are ready for change.

We believe that every woman should have access to healing the habits, patterns, and emotions that are holding them back from living an empowered life.

Women Breaking Plates is here to help the women end those old stories, get it out of their bodies, and empower their minds and lives, with support.

The reality is that not all women can afford Counseling, Coaching, or Empowerment Events.

You have the opportunity to let women know they are supported no matter what their finances are.

You have the power to change lives.


 Sponsor 1 Woman 


So Grateful.

This will sponsor a woman to attend the Women Breaking Plates Event in Los Angeles on December 10, 2022.


Thank you for letting a woman know that she is cared for and that she can overcome whatever it is that's holding her back.


Thank you for being a contribution!

You are a gift to this woman.

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 Sponsor 3 Women 


Way to support the women!

This will sponsor 3 women to attend the Women Breaking Plates Event in Los Angeles on December 10, 2022. 


Thank you for letting 3 women know that they are cared for and that they can overcome whatever it is that's holding them back.


Thank you for caring about the healing of these women's lives!

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Arianna Hannah Hudson rocked the Angel C

Sponsor 5 Women


So Cool!

This will sponsor 5 women to attend the Women Breaking Plates Event in Los Angeles on December 10, 2022.


Thank you for letting 5 women know that they are cared for and that they can overcome whatever it is that's holding them back.


Thank you for making a difference!

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Sponsor 50 Women



This will sponsor 50 women to have the Women Breaking Plates experience. With this donation we will bring WBP to an underprivileged area to uplift the women with our event to let them know that they do have power and choice.


Thank you for letting 50 women know that they are cared for and that they can overcome whatever it is that's holding them back.


Thank you for being a part of this Women's Healing and Empowerment Movement.

You are a true gift to these women and the world.

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Thank You video from the women!

We will be creating a "Thank You" video from all the sponsored women.

This gives the women a moment to express what it means to them that someone like you care enough to sponsor them.

This video will be aired on all of our social media sites one week after the event, and will be emailed to our mailing list.


Witness first-hand the impact you have made in the lives of the women you've sponsored.




If you would like to donate to our cause, we would greatly appreciate your support! It takes a village to create a difference in the world.

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Can you see all the broken plate pieces_

Sponsor 10 Women

How Exciting!


This will sponsor 10 women to attend the Women Breaking Plates Event in Los Angeles on December 10, 2022.


Thank you for letting 10 women know that they are cared for and that they can overcome whatever it is that's holding them back.


Thank you for taking a stand and being a part of the solution!

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